A new sensation maiden game that raises a hikikomori boy to your liking and loves it! Handsome voice actor Koutaro Nishiyama (B-project, Ensemble Stars!) Voice 250 or more recorded!
カレとの交流を通じて、自分色に染め上げるイケメン育成アプリ。 西山宏太朗ボイスを250以上収録!イケメン声優好き女子に贈る女性向け恋愛シュミレーションゲーム!■完全無料でエンディングは約10種類!・イケメン声優好き待望の人気女性向け恋愛ゲーム!・ボイスは西山宏太朗、収録ボイスは250以上!・全話が完全無料で楽しめる、エンディングまで完全無課金!・複数のイケメンの中から自分好みのイケメンを選ぶのではなく、自分で好みに育て上げることができる!・育て方次第で、俺様、ナルシスト、ヘタレ、体育会系、インテリ、あざとい、王子、自信家に変化!・面倒なアバターミッションが無いから、自分のペースで進められる!・完全無課金でボイス付きの乙ゲー(女子ゲー)を楽しみたい女の子にオススメ!--------------------------------- ◇CV --------------------------------- 西山宏太朗 (美男高校地球防衛部LOVE!GAME!(鬼怒川熱史 役)/B-project(寺光唯月 役)/あんさんぶるスターズ!(深海奏汰 役)/アイチュウ(麗朔空 役)/スタンド マイヒーローズ(都筑京介 役)/一血卍傑-ONLINE-(ミツクニ 役)/夢王国と眠れる100人の王子様(シャオ、リエル 役)/ハイキュー!! 終わりと始まり(成田一仁 役)等出演)--------------------------------- ◇ストーリー--------------------------------- 「あの子を部屋から連れだしてほしい」昔良く遊んだ幼馴染みは、いつからかひきこもりになってしまっていた。 幼馴染みのお母さんから突然頼まれたアナタは、懐かしい彼の家に遊びに行くことに……。「リョウ久しぶり、覚えてるかな?……ドア、開けてくれないかな?」(ガチャッ)ドアを開けて、そこに立っていたのは、髪がボサボサになってしまった幼馴染みだった。「……どうぞ」彼の部屋に誘われたアナタ……。こうしてひきこもり改造計画が始まる……。--------------------------------- ◇遊び方 --------------------------------- ・ひきこもりのリョウはいつもネガティブなことを、相談してくるよ! リョウのネガティブな部分を変えて"経験値"を貯めていこう!・経験値をためるとリョウがどんどん成長していくよ! アナタ好みのリョウに染めあげていこう!・エンディングは複数パターン用意! アナタの選択しだいで、彼の未来が変わっていきます。--------------------------------- ◇こんな方におすすめ--------------------------------- ・女性向けゲーム/恋愛ゲーム/乙女ゲーム/乙ゲーに興味がある方 ・恋愛ゲーム初心者だけど無料で楽しみたい方 ・イケメンを改造したい方 ・西山宏太朗さんが好きな方 ・恋愛ゲームには興味あるけど、オタクっぽいのは苦手な方 ・恋愛漫画アプリ/恋愛ドラマアプリ/恋愛小説アプリが大好きな方 ・イケメンが好きな方 ・声優が好きな方 ・ボイス付きゲームに興味のある方 ・ひきこもりたい方・自分好みの運命の恋、大人の恋愛を感じながら、プロポーズされたい方・blよりもとにかく恋する女性向け恋愛ゲームが好きな方・体育会系なイケメンが好きな方・俺様なイケメンが好きな方・ヘタれてるけどイケメンが好きな方・あざといけどかわいいイケメンが好きな方・無口なイケメンが好きな方・インテリなメガネイケメンが好きな方・王子っぽい優しいイケメンが好きな方・自信家だけど甘いイケメンが好きな方・ひきこもりの男の子をあなた好みの肉食男子に変えるイケメンゲームアプリが好きな方・王道の乙女ゲームで理想の美少年を見つけたい・イケメン声優が大好きな方・豪華声優、ボイス付きの無料恋愛ゲーム、乙ゲーをプレイしたい・女子向け恋愛ゲームにありがちなミッションが嫌いな方・様々なイケメンとの胸キュンな恋愛ストーリーゲームをどんどんを進めたい方・完全無料でイケメンとのラブストーリーを全て読める恋ゲーを探している方・美形の美少年と生活をともにすることできる逆ハーレム大人向け恋愛ゲームを探してる方・声優に興味があり、ボイス付きゲームファンの方・ボイス付き恋愛ゲームが大好きな方・ボイス付きイケメン恋愛乙女ゲームが好きな方・乙女(おとめ)ゲーム・恋愛ゲーム・イケメンゲーム・女子ゲー(女性向け)に興味があり、始めてみたいと思っている方・映画やドラマ、小説は恋愛ものが好きな方・ストーリー重視のゲームが好きな方・リア充になりたい方・一人の男性からの圧倒的なモテ期を体験したい方・綺麗な絵を楽しみたい方・暇つぶししたい方・イケメンの成長を見守りたい方・絵がカッコいい恋愛ゲームを探してる方・戦国や幕末の恋物語が好きな方・恋愛系のボーイズラブが好きな方・あなただけを全力で愛してくれるボーイフレンドや彼氏や婚約者が欲しい方・声優の甘いボイスが入った女性向け恋愛シュミレーションゲームがたまらなく好きな方・幼馴染を育成するシチュエーションに夢を抱いている方・俺様男子が出てくる乙ゲーム、女子ゲームを探してる方・ツンデレ・デレツン男子が出て来る乙女ゲームを探している方・甘い恋愛ゲーム、刺激的な恋愛ゲーム等、様々な恋愛系アプリが好きな方・イケメンばかりの戦国系、幕末系の女性向け恋愛シュミレーションゲームが好きな方・ミステリアスな雰囲気でギャップのあるイケメンが出て来る恋愛ゲームを探してる方・現実ではできない不可能な、禁断の恋が出来る大人向けのゲームをプレイしたい方・課金なしで最高の恋愛ラブストーリーゲームをしたい方・いつでも待っててくれるイケメンを求めてる方・無料で最後まで遊べる人気の女性向け恋愛ゲームを探してる方・最初から最後まで女性の気持ちを理解してくれる理想的なイケメン出てくる大人向けの恋愛ゲームを探してる方・恋愛ドラマ、女性向けコミック、ラノベ小説ゲーム、恋愛漫画などとくにかく恋愛要素のある女子向けアプリが好きな方・胸がドキドキするような甘い言葉を発してくれるイケメンが好きな方・ダミヘでで人気声優の声やボイスを聞くのが好きな方・俺様ドSな肉食男子が出てくる女性向け恋愛ゲームを探してる方・言うこと聞かない持て余してしまうイケメンが好きな方・クーデレ、ツンデレ、とにかく出れる女子ゲームを探してる方・大人の色気を持っているキザな美少年キャラと恋する女子ゲー・乙ゲーを探してる方・ラノベ小説、恋愛ストーリー、恋愛ドラマ、刺激的な恋物語を無料で読み進めたい方・女性向け乙ゲーで非日常的な恋愛ストーリーを体験したい方・今人気の声優が出てくる恋ゲーが好きな方・小悪魔なあざとかわいいカレと恋する無料恋愛シュミレーションゲームを探してる方・草食男子ではなく肉食男子と恋する人気の恋アプリをプレイしたい方・誰もが羨む掘り出し物美少年と描く女子向け恋愛シミュレーションゲームを探してるから・王道でもblでもとにかく完全無課金で遊べる女性向け恋愛ゲームが好き・人気男性声優やダミヘが好きなから・メイクやファッションに詳しくなくても、イケメンと大恋愛がしたい--------------------------------- ◇基本情報--------------------------------- ・インストール無料・基本プレイ無料--------------------------------- ◇非推奨バージョンにつきまして---------------------------------Android 4.4以下については、正常に動作しない場合がございます。またアプリが強制終了してしまう場合は、・最新OSへのアップデート・SDカードの空き容量を増やす・端末本体の空き容量を増やす上記3点をおためしください。■楽曲提供・dova-syndrome様 http://dova-s.jp/_contents/author/・魔王魂様 http://maoudamashii.jokersounds.com/・Taira Komori様 http://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesound.html・効果音ラボ様 http://soundeffect-lab.info/・フリーBGM・音楽素材MusMus様 http://musmus.main.jp/A handsome training app that dyes your own color through interaction with boyfriends.More than 250 voices by Koutaro Nishiyama are included! A love simulation game for women to give to girls who like good-looking voice actors!■ Approximately 10 types of endings are completely free!・ A long-awaited romance game for popular women who like good-looking voice actors!・ Voice is Koutaro Nishiyama, and more than 250 recorded voices!・ You can enjoy the whole story completely free of charge, and there is no charge until the ending!・ Rather than choosing your favorite good-looking guy from multiple good-looking guys, you can grow it to your liking!・ Depending on how you raise it, you can change into me, a narcissist, a slapstick, an athletic club, an intellectual, an azatoi, a prince, or a confident person!・ Since there are no troublesome avatar missions, you can proceed at your own pace!-Recommended for girls who want to enjoy Otome games (womens games) with voice without charge!---------------------------------◇ CV---------------------------------Koutaro Nishiyama(Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! GAME! (As Atsushi Kinugawa) / B-project (as Yuzuki Teramitsu) / Ensemble Stars! (As Kanou Fukaumi) / Aichu (as Reisakuku) / Stand My Heroes (Kyosuke Tsuzuki) / One Blood Jie -ONLINE- (Mitsukuni) / 100 Sleeping Princes with the Kingdom of Dreams (Xiao, Riel) / Haikyu !! End and Beginning (Kazuhito Narita), etc.)---------------------------------◇ Story---------------------------------"I want you to take that child out of the room."My childhood friend, who used to play a lot, has become a hikikomori for some time.Suddenly asked by her childhood friends mother, you decide to go to his nostalgic house ..."Ryo, do you remember after a long time? ... Can you open the door?"(Gacha)Opening the door and standing there was a childhood friend whose hair had become unkempt."……please"You were invited to his room ...In this way, the hikikomori remodeling plan begins ...---------------------------------◇ How to play---------------------------------・ Hikikomori Ryo always talks about negative things!Lets change the negative part of Ryo and accumulate "experience points"!・ If you accumulate experience points, Ryo will grow steadily!Lets dye your favorite Ryo!・ Multiple ending patterns are available!Depending on your choice, his future will change.---------------------------------◇ Recommended for people like this---------------------------------・ Those who are interested in games for women / romance games / otome games / otome games・ Those who are new to romance games but want to enjoy it for free・ Those who want to remodel a handsome man・ Those who like Koutaro Nishiyama・ Those who are interested in romance games but are not good at being nerdy・ Those who love romance comics apps / romance drama apps / romance novel apps・ Those who like good-looking guys・ Those who like voice actors・ Those who are interested in games with voice・ Those who want to withdraw・ Those who want to propose while feeling their favorite fateful love and adult love・ Those who like romance games for women who fall in love with bl・ Those who like good-looking guys who are athletic・ Those who like good-looking guys like me・ Those who are sick but like good-looking guys・ Those who like cute but cute handsome guys・ Those who like reticent handsome men・ Those who like intelligent glasses handsome・ Those who like prince-like gentle handsome men・ Those who are confident but like sweet handsome guys・ Those who like a handsome game app that turns a hikikomori boy into your favorite carnivorous boy・ I want to find the ideal boy in the royal road otome game・ Those who love handsome voice actors・ I want to play a gorgeous voice actor, a free romance game with voice, and Otome・ Those who dislike missions that are common in romance games for girls・ Those who want to steadily advance a heart-throbbing love story game with various handsome men・ Those who are looking for a love game that can read all the love stories with handsome guys completely free of charge・ Those who are looking for a reverse harem adult romance game where they can live with a beautiful boy・ For those who are interested in voice actors and are fans of games with voice・ Those who love romance games with voice・ Those who like handsome love maiden games with voice・ Those who are interested in maiden games, romance games, handsome games, and womens games (for women) and want to get started.・ Those who like movies, dramas, and novels・ Those who like story-oriented games・ Those who want to fill the rear・ Those who want to experience the overwhelming popularity period from one man・ Those who want to enjoy beautiful pictures・ Those who want to kill time・ Those who want to watch the growth of handsome men・ Those who are looking for a romance game with cool pictures・ Those who like the love story of Sengoku and the end of the Edo period・ Those who like romance boys love・ Those who want a boyfriend, boyfriend or fiancé who loves only you with all their might・ Those who love romance simulation games for women with sweet voices of voice actors・ Those who have dreams of situations that foster childhood friends・ Those who are looking for Otome games and womens games where Im a boy・ Those who are looking for a maiden game where tsundere and tsundere boys come out・ Those who like various romance apps such as sweet romance games and exciting romance games・ Those who like romance simulation games for women of the Sengoku period and the end of the Edo period, which are all handsome・ Those who are looking for a romance game in which a handsome guy with a gap appears in a mysterious atmosphere・ Those who want to play games for adults who can make forbidden love, which is impossible in reality・ Those who want to play the best love story game without charge・ Those who are looking for a handsome guy who will always be waiting for you・ Those who are looking for a popular romance game for women that can be played to the end for free・ Those who are looking for an adult romance game that will bring out the ideal handsome guy who understands the feelings of women from the beginning to the end・ Those who like romance dramas, womens comics, light novel games, romance comics, and other girls apps that have a romance element.・ Those who like good-looking guys who say sweet words that make your heart pound・ Those who like to hear the voices and voices of popular voice actors in Damihe・ Those who are looking for a romance game for women where I-sama de S carnivorous boys come out・ Those who like good-looking guys who dont listen to what they say・ Kuudere, Tsundere, those who are looking for a womens game that can be played anyway・ Those who are looking for a female game / Otome game who is in love with a young boy character who has an adult sex appeal・ Those who want to read Ranobe novels, romance stories, romance dramas, and exciting romance stories for free.・ Those who want to experience an extraordinary love story with Otome games for women・ Those who like love games with popular voice actors・ Those who are looking for a free romance simulation game to fall in love with a cute little devil・ Those who want to play a popular love app that falls in love with carnivorous boys instead of herbivorous boys・ Because everyone is looking for a romance simulation game for girls to draw with a bargain boy who envy・ I like romance games for women that can be played on the royal road or bl without any charge.・ Because I like popular male voice actors and Damihe・ I want to have a big romance with a handsome guy even if Im not familiar with makeup and fashion---------------------------------◇ Basic information---------------------------------・ Free installation・ Free to play---------------------------------◇ About deprecated version---------------------------------For Android 4.4 and below, it may not work properly.If the app is forcibly terminated,・ Update to the latest OS・ Increase the free space on the SD card・ Increase the free space of the terminal bodyPlease try the above three points.■ Music provision・ Dova-syndrome http://dova-s.jp/_contents/author/・ Devil Soul http://maoudamashii.jokersounds.com/・ Taira Komori http://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesound.html・ Sound effect lab http://soundeffect-lab.info/・ Free BGM ・ Music material MusMus http://musmus.main.jp/期間限定ストーリーを実装しました。毎日ログインで読む事ができますので、ぜひお楽しみください。
It's not in English .
It a great game, but it is in all Japanese. I am lucky I can understand japanese. But it would be nice to have it in english as well. So I can introduce it to my friend.
So cute!!
I wish it was in English
Where's THE ENGLISH???
I love it
It's cute